

Nemzeti Színház Miskolc: KID

Autor: Charlie Chaplin
Hudba: Nagy Tibor
Scenár: Pozsgai Zsolt
Verše: Bradýnyi Iván
Výprava: Laczó Henriett
Choreografia: Gyenes Ildikó
Dirigent: Regós Zsolt
Korepetítor: Csermely Zsuzsa, Varga Zsuzsa
šepkár: Póltz Júlia
inšpicia: Krivjánszky István
asistent: Radnai Erika
réžia: Halasi Imre

Hrajú: Bakai László (Chaplin), Szirbik Bernadet (Mary) Veréb Tamás, Kiss Dénes (Jacky), Seres Ildikó (Madame Foyer) Barta mária Viola (Lucy), Latabár Arpád (policajt), Szatmári Gyórgy (Ted) Homonai István (Ed), Molnár Sándor Tamás (Med), Keresztesi László (Ben)

Ide o poetický príbeh, ktorý napísal Ch. Chaplin, o nešťastnom tulákovi a dieťati, ktoré vyhodili na ulicu amerického veľkomesta, odohrávajúci sa v 20. tych rokoch 20. storočia. V tomto muzikáli ožívajú figúry zo starého nemého filmu. Príbeh je plný humoru, ľudskosti, tanca a prekrásnej hudby.

The story of a sad, suburban tramp and an orphan child in an american city during the twentie’s. The Tramp and the Kid, they are severally both penniless, but together they find meaning in their lives.

The "fool glazier" finds a baby with a note that asks if someone will take care of the orphan child. The Tramp first tries to hand off the baby to a mother out on a walk with her own baby, but in the end, and mostly so as to avoid the attention of a strolling policeman, the Little Tramp takes the baby and makes a home for him. The story continues five years later during which the baby becomes the Kid. The child and his unofficial father having become inseparable companions.

We see how the Tramp and the Kid live and love each other, how they have little sneaky plans to earn money, how they belong to each other. In the meanwhile the woman has become rich and when she does a little charity for the poor she meets the kid not knowing it is hers.

The characters of the great film are vivified in the musical
replenished with crowd, rogues, sad and comic fellows.
The opening title of the film reads: „A picture with a smile - and perhaps, a tear”.
- and it was followed up by the musical, according to the genre a lot of humor, genuine warmth and pathos are combined with numerous songs and dances.

Even the story behind Chaplin's making of the film contained an element of melodrama. He decided to make the film after the death of his first, newborn son, as recasting Jacky into the child he had just lost.
This musical is not only a story with „smile and tear” , but it is an obeisance to the great artist.





Bakai és Kiss Denes

Bakai Laszlo es Kiss Denes

Bakai, Homonai, Seres, Szirbik, Molnar Sandor Tamas, Barta Mária

Bakai,Kiss Denes es Homonai

Kiss Denes es Bakai Laszlo

Kiss Denes,Bakai Laszlo es a tanckar

Molnar Sandor Tamas, Keresztesi Laszlo,Homonai Istvan,Szatma

Seres Ildiko es Barta Maria Viola

Seres Ildiko

Seri es Bakai Laszlo

Szatmari Gyorgy es Seres Ildiko

Szirbik Bernadett es a tanckar


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