

English version
Slovenská verzia

od 11.8.05 si tieto stránky
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Mgr. Viera Černáková
Branisková 24
040 01 Košice

Tel.: 00421 905 92 72 65
e-mail:[email protected]


Viera Černáková was born in 1940 in banská Bystrica. Within 1958 - 63 she studied at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Art Education, University of J. A. Komenský in Bratislava at prof. Eugen Lehotský and in 1968 at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice.

From 1964 she was active as an educator at the Art Department of Public Art School in Košice and as an external co - worker for drawing at the Building Engineering Faculty of Technical University in Košice and also as an art educator at High School for industrial applied arts in Košice.
Since 1984 she is a free – lancer.

She is devoted to textile work creation and she has created her own techniques and she is interested in work with metal and other materials. The topics of her work are aimed at symbolism of macro and micro -cosmos, rythms of nature, poetry, music and so on.

She had her own exhibitions several times in Košice, Bratislava, Prague and Banská Štiavnica. She had also taken parts in many exhibitios organised by ZSVU in Slovakia and abroad and in the international exhibitions in Berlin, Prague, Jindřichův Hradec, Užhorod, Szombathely, Viena, London and Manchester...

The works of her are aimed at creation of interiors. She has realised some of her art designe in private and public interiors in Košice, Bratislava, Prague... Her work of art can be found in the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, in the East Slovakia Gallery in Košice and in private collections in Slovakia and abroad.

At present she is a member of the Society of Slovak graphic and plastic arts - VS at SVU in Bratislava and she is also a member of the Society of textile artist - TXT - in Bratislava.

Offer for CO - OPERATION

I will welcome in my studio every lover and collectioner of art.

Space motive-detail

textile miniature-2

textile miniature

textile-Streaming-210x80 - (part) - click for enlarge...

textile-Eruptions-200x80 - (part) - click for enlarge...

textile-Wayes-100x36 - (part) - click for enlarge...

textile-The four seasons-420x200



Pluto – stone, bronze-33x82x15






Space motive – copper, glass-40x40x40-s




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