

Teatr KOREZ - Kvarteto pre 4 hercov /QUORTET FOR 4 ACTORS/

autor: Boguslaw Schaeffer
realizácia: Miroslaw Neinert
Hrajú: Bogdan Kalus, Miroslaw Neinert, Piotr Warszawski, Dariusz Stach
réžia: Miroslaw Neinert a spol.

Kvarteto pre štyroch hercov je predstavenie založené na zvukoch, ako sú: rytmus dialógov, ľudské hlasy, šuchot toaletného papiera, tlieskanie, "hra" na hrebeň. Veľkú časť predstavenia, podľa zámeru režiséra, tvoria aj improvizované scény, ktoré sa vyvíjajú podľa reakcií a žiadostí publika. Je to práve kontakt s divákom, ktorí hercom umožňuje opustiť hranice javiska, a nabiť atmosféru energiou, slobodou a vtipom, špeciálne v podaní divadla KOREZ

herci divadla KOREZ získali najvyššie umelecké ocenenie "Zlaté masky"

The performance is a contrast as well as complement of "screenplay…"
The actors, apart from dynamic and pure nonsense, create all the sound sphere of the performance. The only "instruments" of this strange quortet are rhytm of dialogues, rustle of teatring paper, the hands hiting the stage, "playing" combs…
There are also, according to author's idea a lot of parts of performance improvised by actors and creation with an audience. It's just contact with the audience what cadtivate by stage and intellectual energy, liberty and humour especially in Korez's proposition.

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Korez Theatre is the most popular and the most highly estimated theatrical group in Silesia. For the last 13 years of its existence Korez knows how to entertain wisely its spectators .It has performed 2000 times in many places as Bratislava, Budapest, Koln, Berlin and Vienna. The theatre participated in European Festival of Theatre Malta in Poznań and Garden Theatre Festival in Warsaw. Korez was also honored to perform on the stage of Stary Teatr in Krakow. Bogusław Schaeffer has chosen " Quartet for Four Actors" for the World Festival of Theatres.

The phenomenon of Korez popularity ,"where people are entertained and not bored", made it possible for its actors to become the most popular in the region.

They received "Golden Masks", the highest prize for their artistic creativity...
Korez actors played in numerous films, programmes, TV shows and theatres.

Our repertoire includes:
"Screenplay for Three Actors" by B.Schaeffer adapted by M. Grabowski since 21 May 1990
"Quartet for Four Actors" by B.Schaeffer group directing M.Neinert since 6 March 1992
"Emigrants" by S.Mrożek directed by J. Król since 18 November 1992
"Lesson" by E.Ionesco directed J.Opaski 13 November 1994
"Bear. Offer of Marriage" by A.Czechow directed by M. Ferlak since 11 October 1996
"Konopielka" by E.Redliński directed by M.Ferlak since 21 February 1998
"Okupska sings Brecht" recital of B.Brecht songs with K.Weill music recorded in 1999
"Homlet" by A.Celiński directed by A. Celiński since 16 October 1999
"Art" by Y.Reza directed by A.Celiński since 24 March 2001
"Ballads of Lovers and Murderers" by Nick Cave directed by R. Talarczyk since 22 February 2002 CD recorded
"Feast With Premeditation" by W.Gombrowicz directed P.Warszwski since 30 March 2003
"Screenplay For Three Actors" shows the characteristic style of partly improvised theatre where interaction with the audience takes place.
"Quartet for Four Actors" is a performance of sound where the only "instruments" are dialogues, human voices, rustle of torn paper, hand clapping , "playing" combs.
"Emigrants" is a comedy of human characters, very universal without any political context though intriguingly real.








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