

1.12.2002; 17 hod. GES-ko, L. Novomestského


International workshop performance

Based upon the idea of: Robert Csontos
Script, director: Robert Csontos

This performance is going to be created during the festival with an international cast. Each actor is going to perform in his mother tongue. Important is not the text of the play, but trueness of situations and the search for real characters of the characters. The protagonists will try to reach a uniform acting style. Actors, in concentration on their partners, will tear dow language barriers. The goal is to search for truth in onesself and the partner, and create a new world based on this harmony.


(c) - autorské práva Box Network s.r.o., prevádzkovate¾ . Všetky práva vyhradené. Opätovné vydanie alebo rozširovanie obsahu tejto obrazovky bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu Box Network s.r.o. je výslovne zakázané. Viac informácií: [email protected]